Friday, April 26, 2013

Years are getting older.

Assalamualaikum heee So today is 14.4.2013 and tomorrow is 15.4.2013 hari bandar bersejarah melaka?ehh i know tomorrow is monday?Yes i know haha.Actually tomorrow is born day hari lahir okay hari jadi Allah je tahu Macam UAI suka cakap.Alhamdulilah if i am alive until tomorrow hee.Sebab Apa aku post awal?sebab Esok Monday confirm busy takde masa dah nak update.So Monday what do you actually accept rasa terharu sangat tahun nie hari jadi jatuh On Monday sama dengan Hari Lahir My Beloved Prophet Muhammad s.a.w and i was born the same month with Habib Ali,semoga diri ini dapat menjadi seperti mereka dari segi Akhlak,ilmu,Amal dan ibadat.

So What have i done in my 20 years life?Nothing big i have done i think i didn't win the Oscar award haha.The biggest thing i have done in my 2o years life i try to change myself everyday every second if it that is the thing i have done i think lahh. Seeing a boy smaller then reciting the Quran more fluent then me that is biggest award i think.He memorize the 30 juz of quran that makes me more jealous that is the thing that i suppose done when i am 20 years that is the biggest award in the life ! is my english that bad?haha i think so but i am trying to write learn by mistake.

To My Parents thanks for rising me up until who i am,sorry for didn't make you guys proud in this 20 years but one day will ! this is my promise i don't to be proud in the eyes of the world i just want you guys proud of me.Is not easy to take of child or a son like me haha ! i know how naughty i was in my teenage ages.But i have believe me okay even do some times i cry and want to sleep on your shoulder mom but i didn't tell you because i want you to know how strong i am. I have learn how to face the world without bending my knees
Thanks for all support giving me money that i think i can even calculate how much money both of you have gave from my childhood life until now.Giving me love more and more even do sometimes we have argument haha,like kids don't we dad?haha Mom always love me more because i am the only son at the house.Mak selalu cakap kau seorang je anak lelaki kaulah harapan kami.dan aku akan diam tanpa terkata tetapi dalam hati ku membawa beribu makna takut tak dapat memberikan seperti yang diharapkan.Syurga dibawah tapak kaki ibu tanpa ibu kita tidak akan dapat lahir ke dunia ini.Atta pulak tak pernah lupa bagi nasihat walaupun berulang kali atta cerita pasal masa dia susah haha tapi tiap2 atta cerita mesti aku dengar je sbb dia belajar dari kesusahan dan aku bangga dengan keadaan mana yang berada sekarang walaupun belajar tak tinggi mana tetapi dia berjaya membawa keluarga dengan bahagia takde kekurangan dari kecik aku dah diajar dgn kesusahan supaya aku pandai menghargai kesenangan.Life is not easy like you think you have to hear this and that,you have to think this and that but there is one solution the solution is 5 times day dont miss your sujud to ALLAH.dah tak terungkap dengan kata kata for my parents.

ahhh lambat post benda nie ;/

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